Income protection provides you with a regular income, which is paid out if you cannot work due to illness or injury.
It is a form of disability or sickness insurance that can alleviate financial worries and help you to maintain a comfortable standard of living should you no longer be able to earn an income.
How income protection works:
After a deferred period (8,13, 26 or 52 weeks), you receive the income protection benefit to replace some of your earned income lost while off work sick.
Usually you can insure up to 75% of the first €80,000 per year of earnings and 50% of the remaining income up to a maximum insured benefit of €150,000 (less any social welfare benefits or income from other sources).
We are always on hand to offer the best possible advice at a time and place that suits you. Feel free to visit us at our offices at 26 Market Square, Navan or click the option to request a free quote or further information